Home / ROCE Fund



Past performances are not reliable indicator of future performances.

General information
Asset management companyROCE Capital
Legal entity SICAV UCITS regulated by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)
Country of registrationFrance
CustodianCrédit Industriel et Commercial
Fund valuation Crédit Mutuel Asset Management
Currency EUR
Launch date 21-Sep-20
Recommended investment horizon5 years minimum
Risk level6/7 : This UCITS is classified in category 6 due to its exposure to international equity markets that may experience significant fluctuations. Indeed, the net asset value may be subject to variations induced by the maturity of the securities, the portfolio’s sensitivity and the volatility of the equity market.
Subscription/redemption details
Type of investorInstitutional investorsInstitutional investorsInstitutional investorsIndividual investorsIndividual investors
Share class ISIN codeG FR0013518958 HA FR0013518974 IA FR0013519014 HB FR0013518990IB FR0013519022
Minimum initial subscription amount€10,000,000€5,000,000€50,000€500,000€50,000
Liquidity and NAV frequencyDailyDailyDailyDailyDaily
Subscription/redemptionDaily before 12pmDaily before 12pmDaily before 12pmDaily before 12pmDaily before 12pm
Payment settlement timeD+2D+2D+2D+2D+2
Management fees0.70%0.85%1.00%0.85%1.00%
Entry fees2.00% maximum2.00% maximum2.00% maximum2.00% maximum2.00% maximum
Redemption feesNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Performance fees10% above MSCI Europe Net Return, only if performance is positive10% above MSCI Europe Net Return, only if performance is positive10% above MSCI Europe Net Return, only if performance is positive10% above MSCI Europe Net Return, only if performance is positive10% above MSCI Europe Net Return, only if performance is positive